SERS Publications
AgNR SERS Substrates
S. B. Chaney, S. Shanmukh, Y.-P. Zhao, and R. A. Dluhy, “Aligned silver nanorod arrays produce high sensitivity SERS substrates,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 031908 (2005).
Y.-P. Zhao, Stephen B. Chaney , Saratchandra Shanmukh, and Richard A. Dluhy, “Polarized surface enhanced Raman and absorbance spectra of aligned Silver nanorod arrays,” J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 3153–3157 (2006).
Y. Liu, J. Fan, S. Shanmukh, R. A. Dluhy, and Y.-P. Zhao, “Angle dependent surface enhanced Raman scattering obtained from a Ag nanorod array substrate,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 173134 (2006).
J. Driskell, S. Shanmukh, Y. Liu, S. Chaney, X.-J. Tang, Y.-P. Zhao, and R. Dluhy, “The use of aligned silver nanorod arrays prepared by oblique angle vapor deposition,” J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 895–901 (2008).
Y.-J. Liu and Y.-P. Zhao, “Simple model for surface-enhanced Raman scattering from tilted silver nanorod array substrate," Phys. Rev. B 78, 075436 (2008).
Z.-Y. Zhang, Y.-J. Liu, Q. Zhao, and Y.-P. Zhao, “The effect of layer absorbance for complex SERS substrates,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 143107 (2009).
Y.-J. Liu, Z.-Y. Zhang, Q. Zhao, R. Dluhy, and Y.-P. Zhao, “The surface enhanced Raman scattering from Ag nanorod array substrate: the site dependent enhancement and layer absorbance effect,” J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 9664–9669 (2009).
Y.-J. Liu, Z.-Y. Zhang, R. A. Dluhy, and Y.-P. Zhao, ‘‘The SERS response of semiordered Ag nanorod arrays fabricated by template oblique angle deposition,’’ Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 41, 1112–1118(2010).
Yongjun Liu, Hsiao Chu, and Yiping Zhao, "Silver nanorod array substrates fabricated by oblique angle deposition: morphological, optical and SERS characterizations," J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 8176–8183 (2010).
Qin Zhou, Yongjun Liu, Yuping He, Zhengjun Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, “The effect of underlayer thin films on the surface-enhanced Raman scattering response of Ag nanorod substrates,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 121902 (2010).
Qin Zhou, Yuping He, Justin Abell, Zhengjun Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, "Surface-enhanced Raman scattering from helical silver nanorod arrays," Chem. Comm. 47, 4466–4468 (2011).
J. L. Abell, J.M. Garren, and Y.-P. Zhao, "Dynamic rastering SERS measurements on silver nanorod substrates," Applied Spectroscopy 65, 734–740 (2011).
Qin Zhou, Yuping He, Justin Abell, Zhengjun Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, "Optical properties and surface enhanced Raman scattering of L-shaped silver nanorod arrays," J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 14131–14140 (2011).
C.-Y. Song, J. L. Abell, Y. -P. He, S. H. Murph, Y. -P. Cui, and Y. -P. Zhao, "Gold-modified Silver nanorod arrays: growth dynamics and improved SERS properties," Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 1150–1159 (2012).
C.-Y. Song, J. Chen, J. L. Abell, Y.-P. Cui, and Y.-P. Zhao, "Ag-SiO2 core-shell nanorod arrays: morphological, optical, SERS, and wetting properties," Langmuir 28, 1488–1495 (2012).
Qin Zhou, Xian Zhang, Yu Huang, Zhengcao Li,Yiping Zhao, and Zhengjun Zhang, "Enhanced SERS performance by folding Silver nanorods," Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 113101 (2012).
J.P. Singh, Thomas E. Lanier, Hao Zhu, William M. Dennis, Ralph A. Tripp, and Yiping Zhao, "Highly sensitive and transparent surface enhanced Raman scattering substrates made by active coldly condensed Ag nanorod arrays," J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 20550 (2012).
Justin L. Abell, Jeremy D. Driskell, and Yiping Zhao, "Controllable and reversible hot spot formation on Silver nanorod arrays," Chem. Com. 50, 106–108 (2014).
Yiping Zhao, Amit Kumar, and Yanjun Yang, “Unveiling Practical Considerations for Reliable and Standardized SERS Measurements: Lessons from a Comprehensive Review of Oblique Angle Deposition-Fabricated Silver Nanorod Array Substrates,” Chem. Soc. Rev. 53, 1004-1057 (2024).
Yanjun Yang, Xinyi Chen, Bin Ai, and Yiping Zhao, “The Impact of Analyte Size on SERS Enhancement Location, Enhancement Factor, Excitation Wavelength, and Spectrum,” Sensors & Diagnostics 3, 668 - 676 (2024).
AgNR SERS Based Devices
H. Y. Chu, Y.-J. Liu, Y.-W. Huang, and Y.-P. Zhao, “A high sensitive fiber SERS probe based on silver nanorod arrays,” Optics Express 15, 12230–12239 (2007).
J. Abell, J. D. Driskell, R. A. Tripp, R. A. Dluhy, and Y.-P. Zhao, “Fabrication and characterization of a multi-well array SERS chip with biological applications,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 24, 3663–3670 (2009).
Yu. Zhu, R. A. Dluhy, and Y.-P. Zhao, "Development of silver nanorod array based fiber optic probes for SERS detection," Sensors & Actuators B 157, 42–50 (2011).
Justin Abell, Joonsang Lee, Qun Zhao, Harold Szu, and Yiping Zhao, "Differentiating Intrinsic SERS spectra from a mixture by sampling induced composition gradient and independent component analysis," Analyst 137, 73–76 (2012).
J. P. Singh, HsiaoYun Chu, Justin Abell, Ralph A. Tripp, and Yiping Zhao, “Flexible and mechanical strain resistant large area SERS active substrates,” Nanoscale 4, 3410–3414 (2012).
Jing Chen, J. Abell, Y.-W. Huang, and Y.-P. Zhao, "On-chip ultra-thin layer chromatography and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy," Lab on a Chip 12, 3096–3102 (2012).
Virus Detection
S. Shanmukh, L. Jones, Y.-P. Zhao, R. A. Dluhy, and R. A. Tripp, “Rapid and sensitive detection of respiratory virus molecular signatures using surface enhanced Raman,” Nano Letters 6, 2630–2636 (2006).
S. Shanmukh, L. Jones, Y.-P. Zhao, J. D. Driskell, R. A. Tripp, and R. A. Dluhy, “Identification and classification of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) strains by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and multivariate statistical techniques,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 390, 1551–1555 (2008).
J. D. Driskell, S. Shanmukh , Y.-J. Liu, S. Hennigan, L. Jones, Y.-P. Zhao, R. A. Dluhy, D. C. Krause, and R. A. Tripp, “Infectious agent detection with SERS-active silver nanorod arrays prepared by oblique angle deposition,” IEEE Sensors 8, 863–870 (2008).
Y.-P. Zhao, R. A. Dluhy, and R. A. Tripp, “Novel nanorod array structures for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) biosensing,” Nano Today 3, 31–37 (2008).
Jeremy D. Driskell, Yu Zhu, Carl D. Kirkwood, Yiping Zhao, Richard A. Dluhy, and Ralph A. Tripp, "Rapid and sensitive detection of Rotavirus molecular signatures using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy," PLoS One 5, e10222 (2010).
Chunyuan Song, Jing Chen, Yiping Zhao, and Lianhui Wang, "Gold-modified silver nanorod arrays for SERS-based immunoassays with improved sensitivity," Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2, 7488–7494 (2014).
Yanjun Yang, Jackelyn Murray, James Haverstick, Ralph A. Tripp, Yiping Zhao, “Silver nanotriangle array based LSPR sensor for rapid coronavirus detection,” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 359, 131604 (2022).
Yanjun Yang, Beibei Xu, Jackelyn Murray, James Haverstick, Xianyan Chen, Ralph A. Tripp, and Yiping Zhao, “Rapid and quantitative detection of respiratory viruses using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and machine learning,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 217, 114721 (2022).
Yanjun Yang, Hao Li, Les Jones, Jackelyn Murray, James Haverstick, Hemant K. Naikare, Yung-Yi C. Mosley, Ralph A Tripp, Bin Ai, Yiping Zhao, “Rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in human nasopharyngeal specimens using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and deep learning algorithms,” ACS Sensors 8, 297 - 307 (2023).
Yanjun Yang, Hao Li, Les Jones, Jackelyn Murray, Hemant Naikare, Yung-Yi C. Mosley, Teddy Spikes, Sebastian Hülck, Ralph A. Tripp, Bin Ai, and Yiping Zhao, “Advancing SERS Diagnostics in COVID-19 with Rapid, Accurate, and Label-Free Viral Load Monitoring in Clinical Specimens via SFNet Enhancement,” Advanced Materials Interfaces, DOI 10.1002/admi.202400013.
Yanjun Yang, Jiaheng Cui, Dan Luo, Jackelyn Murray, Xianyan Chen, Sebastian Hülck, Ralph Tripp, and Yiping Zhao, “Rapid Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Variants Using ACE2-Based SERS Sensor Enhanced by CoVari Deep Learning Algorithms,” ACS Sensors 9, 3158 – 3169 (2024).
Yanjun Yang, Xinyi Chen, Bin Ai, and Yiping Zhao, “The Impact of Analyte Size on SERS Enhancement Location, Enhancement Factor, Excitation Wavelength, and Spectrum,” Sensors & Diagnostics 3, 668 - 676 (2024).
MicroRNA Detection
J. D. Driskell, A. G. Seto, L. P. Jones, S. Jokela, R. A. Dluhy, Y.-P. Zhao, and R. A. Tripp, “Rapid microRNA (miRNA) detection and classification via surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS),” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 24, 923–938 (2008).
J. Driskell, O. Primera-Pedorozo, R. A.Dluhy, Y.-P. Zhao, and R. A. Tripp, "Quantitative SERS-based analysis of microRNA mixtures,” Applied Spectroscopy 63, 1107–1114 (2009).
Justin Abell, Jeonifer Garren, Jeremy Driskell, Ralph Tripp, and Yiping Zhao, "Label-free detection of microRNA hybridization using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) and least-squares analysis," J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 12889–12892 (2012).
Yanjun Yang, Chunyuan Song, Boyue Yang, Youzhi Sun, Yiping Zhao, and Lianhui Wang, "Ultrasensitive SERS sensor for simultaneous detection of multiple cancer-related miRNAs," Nanoscale 8, 17365-17373 (2016).
Chunyuan Song, Xinyu Jiang, Yanjun Yang, Jingjing Zhang, Steven Larson, Yiping Zhao, and Lianhui Wang, "High-sensitive assay of nucleic acid using tetrahedral DNA probes and DNA concatamers with a surface-enhanced Raman scattering/surface plasmon resonance dual-mode biosensor based on a Silver nanorod-covered Silver nanohole array," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 31242–31254 (2020).
Yanjun Yang, Chunyuan Song, Jingjing Zhang, Jie Chao, Hoang Mai Luong, Yiping Zhao, Lianhui Wang, “DNA self-assembled Au nanoparticle clusters on the silver nanorod array for high-sensitive and multiplex detection of cancer-related biomarkers,” Nanoscale, 14, 4538-4547 (2022).
Bacteria Detection
S.-Y. Chu, Y.-W. Huang, and Y.-P. Zhao, “Silver nanorod array as a SERS substrate for foodborne pathogenic bacteria detection,” Applied Spectroscopy 62, 922–931 (2008).
Suzanne L. Hennigan, Jeremy D. Driskell, Richard A. Dluhy, Yiping Zhao, Ralph A. Tripp, and Duncan C. Krause, “Detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in throat swab specimens by nanorod array-surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy,” PLoS One 5, e13633 (2010).
Suzanne Hennigan, Jeremy Driskell, Naola Ferguson-Noel, Richard Dluhy, Yiping Zhao, Ralph Tripp, and Duncan Krause, "Detection and differentiation of Avian Mycoplasmas by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy based on Silver nanorod array," Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78, 1930–1935 (2012).
Xiaomeng Wu , Chao Xu , Ralph A. Tripp , Yao-wen Huang and Yiping Zhao, "Detection and differentiation of foodborne pathogenic bacteria in mung bean sprouts using field deployable label-free SERS devices," Analyst 138, 3005–3012 (2013).
Jing Chen, Xiaomeng Wu, Yao-wen Huang, and Yiping Zhao, "Detection of E. coli using SERS active filters with Silver nanorod array," Sensors and Actuators B 191, 485–490 (2014).
Xiaomeng Wu, Jing Chen, Xibo Li, Yiping Zhao, and Susu M. Zughaier, "Culture-free diagnostics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection by silver nanorod array based SERS from clinical sputum samples," Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 10, 1863–1870 (2014).
X. M. Wu, Y.-W. Huang, B. Park, R. A. Tripp, and Y. P. Zhao, “Differentiation and classification of bacteria using Vancomycin functionalized Silver nanorod array based surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and chemometric analysis,” Talanta 139, 96–103 (2015).
Xiaomeng Wu, Caiqin Han, Jing Chen, Yao-wen Huang, and Yiping Zhao, "Rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria from fresh produce by filtration and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy," JOM 68, 1156 - 1162 (2016).
F. Chen, B. R. Flaherty, C. E. Cohen, D. S. Peterson, and Y. Zhao, "Direct detection of malaria infected red blood cells by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy," Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 6, 1445 - 1451 (2016).
Jing Chen, Bosoon Park, Yao-wen Huang, Yiping Zhao, and Yongkuk Kwon, "Label-free SERS detection of Salmonella Typhimurium on DNA aptamer modified AgNR substrates," Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 11, 1773–1779 (2017).
Xiaomeng Wu, Yiping Zhao, and Susu M. Zughaier, “Highly sensitive detection and differentiation of endotoxins derived from bacterial pathogens by surface-enhanced Raman scattering,” Biosensors 11, 234 (2021).
Yanjun Yang, Beibei Xu, James Haverstick, Nabil Ibtehaz, Artur MuszyÅ„ski, Xianyan Chen, Muhammad E. H. Chowdhury, Susu M. Zughaier, and Yiping Zhao, “Differentiation and classification of bacterial endotoxins based on surface enhanced Raman scattering and advanced machine learning,” Nanoscale, 14, 8806-8817 (2022).
Amit Kumar, Md Redwan Islam, Susu M. Zughaier, Xianyan Chen and Yiping Zhao, “Precision Classification and Quantitative Analysis of Multiple Bacteria Biomarkers via Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning,” Spectrochimica Acta A 320, 124627 (2024).
Food Safety Application
Xiaobing Du, Hsiaoyun Chu, Yaowen Huang, and Yiping Zhao, "Qualitative and quantitative determination of Melamine by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy using silver nanorod array substrates," Applied Spectroscopy 64, 781-785 (2010).
Xiaomeng Wu, Simin Gao, Jia-Sheng Wang, Hongyan Wang, Yao-Wen Huang, and Yiping Zhao, "The surface-enhanced Raman spectra of Aflatoxins: spectral analysis, density functional theory calculation, detection and differentiation," Analyst 137, 4226–4234 (2012).
Jing Chen, Yao-wen Huang, and Yiping Zhao, "Characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using Raman and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy," Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 46, 64–69 (2015).
Jing Chen, Yaowen Huang, and Yiping Zhao, "Detection of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from cooking oil using ultra-thin layer chromatography and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy," Journal of Materials Chemistry B 3, 1898–1906 (2015).
Jie Cheng, Xiao-Ou Su, Yue Yao, Caiqin Han, Shi Wang, and Yiping Zhao, "Highly sensitive detection of Melamine using a one-step sample treatment combined with a portable Ag nanostructure array SERS sensor," PLoS ONE 11, e0154402 (2016).
Jie Cheng, Xiao-Ou Su, Shi Wang, and Yiping Zhao, "Highly sensitive detection of Clenbuterol in animal urine using immunomagnetic bead treatment and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy," Scientific Reports 6, 32637 (2016).
Caiqin Han, Yuqi Li, Qin Jia, Layne Hyer Bradley, Yun Gan, Yue Yao, Lulu Qu, Haitao Li, and Yiping Zhao, "On-demand fabrication of surface-enhanced Raman scattering arrays by pen writing, and their application to the determination of melamine in milk," Microchimica Acta 184, 2909 - 2917 (2017).
Caiqin Han, Yue Yao, Wen Wang, Lulu Qu, Layne Bradley, Shulin Sun, and Yiping Zhao, "Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Sodium Saccharin in Soft Drinks by Silver Nanorod Array SERS Substrates," Sensors and Actuators B 251, 272 - 279 (2017).
Environmental Application
C. L. Leverette, E. Villa-Aleman, S. Jokela, Z.-Y. Zhang, Y.-J. Liu, Y.-P. Zhao, and S. A. Smith, “Trace detection and differentiation of Uranyl(VI) ion cast films utilizing aligned Ag nanorod SERS substrates,” Vibrational Spectroscopy 50, 143–151 (2009).
Caiqin Han, Jing Chen, Xiaomeng Wu, Yao-wen Huang, and Yiping Zhao, "Detection of Metronidazole and Ronidazole from environmental samples by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy," Talanta 128, 293–298 (2014).
Mary M. Bajomo, Yilong Ju, Jingyi Zhou, Simina Elefterescu, Corbin Farr, Yiping Zhao, Oara Neumann, Peter Nordlander, Ankit Patel, and Naomi J. Halas, “Computational chromatography: a machine learning strategy for demixing individual chemical components in complex mixtures,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 119, e2211406119 (2022).
Yilong Ju, ​Oara Neumann, ​Mary Bajomo, ​Yiping Zhao, ​Peter Nordlander, ​Naomi J. Halas, and ​Ankit Patel, “Identifying Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectra with a Raman Library Using Machine Learning,” ACS Nano 17, 21251–21261 (2023).
Yangxiu Chen, Yanjun Yang, Jiaheng Cui, Hong Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, “Decoding PFAS contamination via Raman spectroscopy: A combined DFT and machine learning investigation,” J. Harz. Mater. 465, 133260 (2024).
Joshua C. Rothstein, Jiaheng Cui, Yanjun Yang, Xianyan Chen, and Yiping Zhao, “Ultra-Sensitive Detection of PFASs using Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering and Machine Learning: A Promising Approach for Environmental Analysis,” Sensors & Diagnostics 3, 1272 - 1284 (2024).
Other SERS Substrates
Y.-J. Liu, Z.-Y. Zhang, Q. Zhao, and Y.-P. Zhao, “Revisiting the separation dependent surface enhanced Raman scattering,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 173106 (2008).
J.-G. Fan and Y.-P. Zhao, “Gold coated nanorod arrays as highly sensitive substrates for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy,” Langmuir 24, 14172–14175 (2008).
Y.-J. Liu, Z.-Y. Zhang, Q. Zhao, R. A. Dluhy, and Y.-P. Zhao, “The role of the nano-spine in the nanocomb arrays for surface enhanced Raman scattering,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 033103 (2009).
Whitney Ingram, Caiqin Han, Qiuju Zhang, and Yiping Zhao, "Optimization of Ag coated polystyrene nanosphere substrates for quantitative surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy analysis," J. Phys. Chem. C 119, 27639–27648 (2015).
Connor Skehan, Bin Ai, Steven Larson, Keenan Stone, William Dennis, and Yiping Zhao, “Plasmonic and SERS performances of compound nanohole arrays fabricated by shadow sphere lithography,” Nanotechnology 29, 095301 (2018).
Liqin Su, Layne Bradley, Yiling Yu, Yifei Yu, Linyou Cao, Yiping Zhao, and Yong Zhang, “Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides on Ag nanorod arrays,” Optics Letters 44, 5493 – 5496 (2019).