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Thoughts on PhD Training

In 2022, I started teaching a seminar for graduate students. As I shared my knowledge, I realized it could be helpful to others too. So, I decided to turn my lecture notes and thoughts into a monograph. This monograph is my own perspective – it’s what I think and believe. Some ideas might be really useful, others might be a bit old-fashioned.

This monography is like a conversation, sharing what I’ve learned through my own PhD journey and my role as a PhD advisor. It's not set in stone; it changes as we learn new things. It's a guide, meant to help you think and learn. Remember, learning is a journey, and this book is here to support you on your way.



Thought#1: PhD Goals and Criteria

Thought#2: Planning and Self-Reflection

Thought#3: Student-Advisor Relationship

Thought#4: Conflict

Thought#5: General Research Process

Thought#6: Literature Search and Reading

Thought#7: Experimental or Theoretical Skills

Thought#8: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Thought#9: Manuscript Writing

Thought#10: Research Presentation

Thought#11: Research Ethic

Thought#12: Time Management

Thought#13: Metal Health

Thought#14: Collaboration and Networking

Thought#15: Research Habits


Some common issues with graduate students.

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