Catalytic Nanomotors
Y. He, J.-S. Wu, and Y.-P. Zhao, "Designing catalytic nanomotors by dynamic shadowing growth," Nano Letters 7, 1369–1375 (2007).
J. G. Gibbs and Y.-P. Zhao, “Measurement of driving force of catalytic nanomotors in dilute hydrogen peroxide by torsion balance,” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 086108 (2008).
J. Gibbs and Y.-P. Zhao, “Autonomously motile catalytic nanomotors by bubble propulsion,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 163104 (2009).
J. Gibbs and Y.-P. Zhao, “Design and characterization of rotational multicomponent catalytic nanomotors,” Small 5, 2304-2308 (2009).
J. Gibbs and Y.-P. Zhao, "Self-organized multi-constituent catalytic nanomotors," Small 6, 1656–1662 (2010).
John G. Gibbs, Nicholas A. Fragnito, and Yiping Zhao, “Asymmetric Pt/Au coated catalytic micromotors fabricated by dynamic shadowing growth,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 253107 (2010).
John G. Gibbs and Yiping Zhao, "Catalytic nanomotors: fabrication, mechanism, and applications," Frontiers of Materials Science 5, 25-39 (2011).
John Gibbs, Shrenik Kothari, David Saintillan, and Yiping Zhao, "Geometrically designing the kinematic behavior of catalytic nanomotors," Nano Letters 11, 2543–2550 (2011).
Kun Yao, Manoj Manjare, Christopher Barrett, Bo Yang, Tina Salguero, Yiping Zhao, "Nanostructured scrolls from graphene oxide for microjet engines," J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3, 2204-2208 (2012).
Manoj Manjare, Bo Yang, and Y.-P. Zhao, "Bubble driven quasi-oscillatory translational motion of catalytic micromotors," Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 128305 (2012).
Manoj Manjare, Bo Yang, and Yiping Zhao, "Bubble propelled microjets: model and experiment," J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 4657-4665 (2013).
Weijie Huang, Manoj Manjare, and Yiping Zhao, "Catalytic nanoshell micromotors," J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 21590–21596 (2013).
Manoj Manjare, Yuan Ting Wu, Bo Yang, and Yiping Zhao, "Hydrophobic catalytic Janus motors: slip boundary condition and enhanced catalytic reaction rate," Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 054102 (2014).
H. Jiang, Y. T. Wu, Y.-P. Zhao, and B. Yang, "Force-moment line element method for Stokes flow around a slender body," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 44, 120–129 (2014).
Y.-T. Wu, B. Yang, and Y.-P. Zhao, “Thermophoresis of aerosol particles in near-critical vapor: An inverse size effect,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 251605 (2015).
Manoj Manjare, Fengchang Yang, Rui Qiao, Yiping Zhao, "Marangoni flow induced collective motion of catalytic micromotors," Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 28361-28367 (2015).
Fengchang Yang, Shizhi Qian, Yiping Zhao, and Rui Qiao, "Self-diffusiophoresis of Janus catalytic micromotors in confined geometries," Langmuir 32, 5580 - 5592 (2016).
Fengchang Yang, Manoj Manjare, Yiping Zhao, Rui Qiao, “On the peculiar bubble formation, growth, and collapse behaviors in catalytic micromotor systems,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 21, 1-11 (2017).
Matthew Becton, Jixin Hou, Yiping Zhao, and Xianqiao Wang, “Dynamic Clustering and Scaling Behavior of Active Particles under Confinement,” Nanomaterials 14, 144 (2024).
Magnetic Nanomotors
Rui Cheng, Lu Zhu, Weijie Huang, Leidong Mao, and Yiping Zhao, "Dynamic scaling of ferromagnetic micro-rod clusters under a weak magnetic field," Soft Matter 12, 8440-8447 (2016).
Lu Zhu, Weijie Huang, Zachary S. Rinehart, Jason Tam, and Yiping Zhao, "Multifunctional Iron Oxide – Carbon hybrid microrods," RSC Advance 6, 98845-98853 (2016).
Weijie Huang, Fengchang Yang, Lu Zhu, Rui Qiao, and Yiping Zhao, "Manipulation of magnetic nanorod clusters in liquid by non-uniform alternating magnetic fields," Soft Matter 13, 3750 - 3759 (2017).
L. Zhu, W. Huang, F. Yang, L. Yin, S. Liang, W. Zhao, L. Mao, X. Yu, R. Qiao, and Y. Zhao, "Manipulation of single cells using a ferromagnetic nanorod cluster actuated by weak AC magnetic fields," Adv. Biosystems, DOI: 10.1002/adbi.201800246 (2019).
Yanjun Yang and Yiping Zhao, "The discretized motion of surface walker under a non-uniform AC magnetic field," Langmuir 36, 11125–11137 (2020).